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helpline for investors:
About KSSE

Company authorities

The Managing Company of Katowice Special Economic Zone is Katowicka SSE S.A. (Katowice SEZ Co.) with its seat in Katowice, 42 Wojewódzka St.,

Registration: District Court in Katowice, Industrial-Registration Department VIII , KRS No. (National Court Registration No.) 0000106403, REGON (Enterprise ID) 273073527; NIP (Tax Reference No.) 954 - 13 - 00 - 712.

Company Authorities:

Supervisory Board:

  1.     Krzysztof Zamasz - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  2.     Sylwia Rudek-Matuszczak – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  3.     Tomasz Zjawiony – Secretary, Member of Supervisory Board
  4.     Anna Sekinda-Maicka - Member of Supervisory Board
  5.     Michał Śmierciak - Member of Supervisory Board

Board of Directors:

  • Rafał Żelazny

    Rafał Żelazny
    Ph.D – President, Chairman of the Board
  • Wiceprezes-KSSE-Jacek-Bialik

    Jacek Bialik
    Vice-President, Member of the Board
  • Wiceprezes-KSSE-Mateusz-Rykala

    Mateusz Rykała
    Vice-President, Member of the Board
  • Wiceprezes-KSSE-Andrzej-Zabiegliński

    Andrzej Zabiegliński
    Vice-President, Member of the Board


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